This Easter, we invite you and your children to take a journey into the heart of God.
Our church is hosting EASTER in 5 LETTERS experience for the whole family, and we don't want you to miss it.
There will be seven interactive stations where you and your children will be invited to walk with Jesus through His last days and hours before the cross and then celebrate His resurrection.
DATE: April 16
PLACE: Beech Grove Baptist Church
TIME: 6-7:30 PM
This is a self-paced and self-guided event. Your family can come at any time while the event is open. But we suggest you arrive early as the experience will take about 45 minutes to complete and we will let the last group go through at 7:30pm.
We will also have a free hot dog dinner when you are finished.
We hope you will invite your friends and family to be a part of the experience and pray it will be life-changing for all who attend! .