This system (The Five Day Bible Reading Program) is designed to help you read the entire Bible (or just the New Testament) in one year while only reading five times a week. That means you have space to take a break or catch up each week, making your goal of getting through the whole Bible more attainable. To read the entire Bible, read according to the weekly plans. To read through just the New Testament, just read the underlined NT readings each week. Read in the order listed and check things off as you go (OT Books are generally placed in historical order with the exception of Job, and the Gospels are dispersed throughout the year. You can check the daily reading off next to the reading list, and check off the weeks on the progress tracker.
"The law of the LORD is perfect,reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward." Psalm 19:7-11 ESV
January Memory Verse | 2 Corinthians 5:17
Genesis 1-2; Psalm 19; Mark 1
Genesis 3-5; Mark 2
Genesis 6-8; Psalm 104; Mark 3
Genesis 9-11; Mark 4
Genesis 12-15; Psalm 148; Mark 5
Genesis 16-18; Mark 6
Genesis 19-20; Psalm 1; Mark 7
Genesis 21-23; Psalm 107; Mark 8
Genesis 24-25; Psalm 4; Mark 9
Genesis 26-27; Mark 10
Genesis 28-29; Mark 11
Genesis 30-31; Psalm 11; Mark 12
Genesis 32-34; Psalm 145; Mark 13
Genesis 35-37; Psalm 12; Mark 14
Genesis 38-40; Mark 15
Genesis 41-42; Mark 16
Genesis 43-44; Psalm 24; Galatians 1
Genesis 45-46; Psalm 108; Galatians 2
Genesis 47-48; Psalm 25; Galatians 3
Genesis 49-50; Galatians 4
Exodus 1-3; Galatians 5
Exodus 4-6; Galatians 6
Exodus 7-9; Psalm 105; Ephesians 1
Exodus 10-12; Ephesians 2
Exodus 13-15; Psalm 114; Ephesians 3
February Memory Verse | Galatians 2:20
Exodus 16-18; Ephesians 4
Exodus 19-21; Psalm 33; Ephesians 5
Exodus 22-24; Psalm 109; Ephesians 6
Exodus 25-27; Psalm 90; Philippians 1
Exodus 28-31; Philippians 2
Exodus 32-34; Philippians 3
Exodus 35-37; Psalm 26; Philippians 4
Exodus 38-40; Hebrews 1
Leviticus 1-3; Psalm 27; Hebrews 2
Leviticus 4-7; Hebrews 3
Leviticus 8-11; Ps 110; Hebrews 4
Leviticus 12-14; Psalm 111; Hebrews 5
Leviticus 15-18; Psalm 31; Hebrews 6
Leviticus 19-20; Hebrews 7
Leviticus 21-23; Hebrews 8
Leviticus 24-25; Psalm 81; Hebrews 9
Leviticus 26-27; Psalm 112; Hebrews 10
Numbers 1-2; Psalm 64; Hebrews 11
Numbers 3-5; Hebrews 12
Numbers 6-7; Hebrews 13
March Memory Verse | Romans 6:11
Numbers 8-11; Colossians 1
Numbers 12-14; Psalm 28; Colossians 2
Numbers 15-18; Psalm 113; Colossians 3
Numbers 19-21; Colossians 4
Numbers 22-25; Luke 1
Numbers 26-29; Luke 2
Numbers 30-33; Psalm 35; Luke 3
Numbers 34-36; Luke 4
Deuteronomy 1-3; Psalm 36; Luke 5
Deuteronomy 4-5; Luke 6
Deuteronomy 6-9; Luke 7
Deuteronomy 10-14; Psalm 5; Luke 8
Deuteronomy 15-18; Psalm 115; Luke 9
Deuteronomy 19-22; Psalm 6; Luke 10
Deuteronomy 23-26; Luke 11
Deuteronomy 27-31; Luke 12
Deuteronomy 32-34; Psalm 13; Luke 13
Joshua 1-4; Psalm 143; Luke 14
Joshua 5-8; Psalm 14; Luke 15
Joshua 9-13; Luke 16
Joshua 14-17; Luke 17
Joshua 18-21; Psalm 15; Luke 18
Joshua 22-24; Psalm 116; Luke 19
Judges 1-3; Psalm 16; Luke 20
Judges 4-6; Luke 21
April Memory Verse | Romans 12:6-8
Judges 7-8; Luke 22
Judges 9-11; Psalm 17; Luke 23
Judges 12-16; Psalm 146; Luke 24
Judges 17-18; Psalm 21; Acts 1
Judges 19-21; Acts 2
Ruth 1-2; Acts 3
Ruth 3-4; Psalm 37; Acts 4
1 Samuel 1-2; Psalm 120; Acts 5
1 Samuel 3-5; Psalm 23; Acts 6
1 Samuel 6-8; Acts 7
1 Samuel 9-10; Acts 8
1 Samuel 11-13; Psalm 38; Acts 9
1 Samuel 14; Psalm 124; Acts 10
1 Samuel 15-16; 1 Chronicles 1; Psalm 39; Acts 11
1 Samuel 17; 1 Chronicles 2; Acts 12
1 Samuel 18-19; 1 Chronicles 3; Palm 59; Acts 13
1 Samuel 20;1 Chronicles 4; Palm 56, 57, 142; Acts 14
1 Samuel 21-22; 1 Chronicles 5; Psalm 52; Acts 15
1 Samuel 23-24; 1 Chronicles 6; Psalm 54; Acts 16
1 Samuel 25; 1 Chronicles 7; Acts 17
May Memory Verse | Romans 12:9-10
1 Samuel 26-27; 1 Chronicles 8; Acts 18
1 Samuel 28-29; 1 Chronicles 9; Acts 19
1 Samuel 30-31; 1 Chronicles 10; Acts 20
2 Samuel 1-2; 1 Chronicles 11; Psalm 96, 106; Acts 21
2 Samuel 3-5; 1 Chronicles 12; Psalm 122; Acts 22
2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13; Psalm 60; Acts 23
1 Chronicles 14-16; Acts 24
2 Samuel 7-8; 1 Chronicles17; Psalm 132; Acts 25
2 Samuel 9-10; 1 Chronicles 18-19; Psalm 89; Acts 26
2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Chronicles 20; Psalm 51, 32; Acts 27
2 Samuel 13-14; Acts 28
2 Samuel 15-17; Psalm 3, 63; Romans 1
2 Samuel 18-20; Psalm 34; Romans 2
2 Samuel 21-23; Psalm 18; Romans 3
2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21; Romans 4
1 Chronicles 22-25; Psalm 78; Romans 5
1 Kings 1; 1 Chronicles 26-28; Romans 6
1 Kings 2; 1 Chronicles 29; Romans 7
1 Kings 3; 2 Chronicles 1; Psalm 42; Romans 8
1 Kings 4; Prov 1-2; Psalm 43; Romans 9
June Memory Verse | Romans 12:11-12
Proverbs 3-5; Romans 10
Proverbs 6-7; Psalm 7; Romans 11
Proverbs 8-10; Psalm 144; Romans 12
Proverbs 11-13; Psalm 8; Romans 13
Proverbs 14-15; Romans 14
Proverbs 16-18; Romans 15
Proverbs 19-21; Psalm 40; Romans 16
Proverbs 22-23; Psalm 117; 1 Thessalonians 1
Proverbs 24-25; Psalm 41; 1 Thessalonians 2
Proverbs 26-28; 1 Thessalonians 3
Proverbs 29-31; 1 Thessalonians 4
Song of Solomon 1-3; Psalm 72; 1 Thessalonians 5
Song of Solomon 4-6; 2 Thessalonians 1
Song of Solomon 7-8; Psalm 127; 2 Thessalonians 2
1 Kings 5; 2 Chronicles 2; 2 Thessalonians 3
1 Kings 6; 2 Chronicles 3; 1 Timothy 1
1 Kings 7; 2 Chronicles 4; Psalm 44; 1 Timothy 2
1 Kings 8; Psalm 30; 1 Timothy 3
2 Chronicles 5-7; Psalm 121; 1 Timothy 4
1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8; 1 Timothy 5
1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9; 1 Timothy 6
Ecclesiastes 1-3; Psalm 45; 2 Timothy 1
Ecclesiastes 4-6; Psalm 125; 2 Timothy 2
Ecclesiastes 7-9; Psalm 46; 2 Timothy 3
Ecclesiastes 10-12; 2 Timothy 4
July Memory Verse | Romans 12:13
1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10-11; Titus 1
1 Kings 13-14; 2 Chronicles 12; Psalm 47; Titus 2
1 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 13-14; Titus 3
2 Chronicles 15-16; 1 Kings 16; Philemon
1 Kings 17-18; Psalm 119; Jude
1 Kings 19-21; 2 Chronicles 17; Psalm 129; Matthew 1
1 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18; Matthew 2
2 Chronicles 19-20; 2 Kings 1; Psalm 20; Matthew 3
2 Kings 2-3; Psalm 48; Matthew 4
2 Kings 4-6; Matthew 5
2 Kings 7-8; 2 Chronicles 21; Matthew 6
2 Kings 9-10; Psalm 49; Matthew 7
2 Chronicles 22-23; 2 Kings 11; Psalm 131; Matthew 8
2 Chronicles 24; 2 Kings 12; Psalm 50; Matthew 9
Joel; Matthew 10
Jonah; Matthew 11
2 Kings 13-14; 2 Chronicles 25; Psalm 53; Matthew 12
Amos 1-3; Matthew 13
Amos 4-6; Psalm 55; Matthew 14
Amos 7-9; Matthew 15
August Memory Verse | Romans 12:14-15
Hosea 1-3; Matthew 16
Hosea 4-6; Psalm 58; Matthew 17
Hosea 7-10; Matthew 18
Hosea 11-13; Matthew 19
Hosea 14; 2 Chronicles 26-27; Psalm 61; Matthew 20
2 Kings 15-16; Matthew 21
Isaiah 1-3; Psalm 9; Matthew 22
Isaiah 4-6; Matthew 23
Micah 1-4; Psalm 10; Matthew 24
Micah 5-7; Matthew 25
Isaiah 7-10; Psalm 22; Matthew 26
Isa 11-13; Psalm 118; Matthew 27
Isa 14-16; Matthew 28
Isa 17-19; Psalm 62; 1 Corinthians 1
Isa 20-22; 1 Corinthians 2
Isaiah 23-25; 1 Corinthians 3
Isaiah 26-29; Psalm 65; 1 Corinthians 4
Isaiah 30-32; 1 Corinthians 5
Isaiah 33-35; 1 Corinthians 6
2 Chronicles 28; 2 Kings 17; Psalm 66; 1 Corinthians 7
September Memory Verse | Romans 12:16
2 Chronicles 29-31; 1 Corinthians 8
2 Kings 18-19; 2 Chronicles 32; Psalm 67; 1 Corinthians 9
Isaiah 36-37; Psalm 123; 1 Corinthians 10
2 Kings 20; Isaiah 38-40; Psalm 68; 1 Corinthians 11
Isaiah 41-44; 1 Corinthians 12
Isaiah 45-48; 1 Corinthians 13
Isaiah 49-52; Psalm 69; 1 Corinthians 14
Isaiah 53-55; Psalm 128; 1 Corinthians 15
Isaiah 56-59; Psalm 70; 1 Corinthians 16
Isaiah 60-63; 2 Corinthians 1
Isaiah 64-66; 2 Corinthians 2
2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33; Psalm 71; 2 Corinthians 3
Nahum; Psalm 149; 2 Corinthians 4
2 Kings 22-23; Psalm 73; 2 Corinthians 5
2 Chronicles 34-35; 2 Corinthians 6
Habakkuk; 2 Corinthians 7
Zephaniah; Psalm 74; 2 Corinthians 8
Jeremiah 1-4; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 9
Jeremiah 5-7; Psalm 75; 2 Corinthians 10
Jeremiah 8-10; 2 Corinthians 11
Jeremiah 11-13; 2 Corinthians 12
Jeremiah 14-16; Psalm 76; 2 Corinthians 13
Jeremiah 17-20; James 1
Jeremiah 22, 23, 26; Psalm 77; James 2
Jeremiah 25, 35, 36, 45; Psalm 133; James 3
October Memory Verse | Romans 12:17-18
Jeremiah 27, 28, 29, 24; James 4
Jeremiah 37, 21, 34; Psalm 79; James 5
Jeremiah30-33; 1 Peter 1
Jeremiah 38, 39, 52; 1 Peter 2
2 Kings 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36; Psalm 126; 1 Peter 3
Lamentations; Psalm 137; 1 Peter 4
Obadiah; Jeremiah 40-42; Psalm 147; 1 Peter 5
Jeremiah 43, 44, 46; 2 Peter 1
Jeremiah 47, 48, 49; Psalm 80; 2 Peter 2
Jeremiah 50-51; 2 Peter 3
Ezekiel 1-3; John 1
Ezekiel 4-6; Psalm 82; John 2
Ezekiel 7-9; John 3
Ezekiel 10-12; Psalm 83; John 4
Ezekiel 13-15; Psalm 136; John 5
Ezekiel 16-18; John 6
Ezekiel 19-21; Psalm 84; John 7
Ezekiel 22-24; Psalm 134; John 8
Ezekiel 25-27; Psalm 85; John 9
Ezekiel 28-30; John 10
November Memory Verse | Romans 12:19-20
Ezekiel 31-33; John 11
Ezekiel 34-36; Psalm 86; John 12
Ezekiel 37-39; Psalm 87; John 13
Ezekiel 40-42; John 14
Ezekiel 43-45; Psalm 135; John 15
Ezekiel 46-48; John 16
Daniel 1-3; Psalm 88; John 17
Daniel 4-6; John 18
Daniel 7-9; Psalm 91; John 19
Daniel 10-12; John 20
Ezra 1-2; John 21
Ezra 3-4; Psalm 92; 1 John 1
Haggai; Zechariah 1; Psalm 138; 1 John 2
Zechariah 2-5; Psalm 93; 1 John 3
Zechariah 6-8; 1 John 4
Zechariah 9-11; 1 John 5
Zechariah 12-14; Psalm 94; 2 John
Ezra 5-6; Psalm 95; 3 John
Esther 1-3; Psalm 139; Revelation 1
Esther 4-6; Revelation 2
December Memory Verse | Romans 12:21
Esther 7-10; Revelation 3
Ezra 7-10; Psalm 97; Revelation 4
Nehemiah 1-3; Revelation 5
Nehemiah 4-6; Psalm 98; Revelation 6
Nehemiah 7-9; Psalm 140; Revelation 7
Nehemiah 10-13; Revelation 8
Malachi; Psalm 2; Revelation 9
Job 1-3; Psalm 29; Revelation 10
Job 4-7; Psalm 99; Revelation 11
Job 8-11; Revelation 12
Job 12-14; Psalm 100; Revelation 13
Job 15-17; Revelation 14
Job 18-20; Psalm 141; Revelation 15
Job 21-23; Psalm 101; Revelation 16
Job 24-27; Revelation 17
Job 28-30; Revelation 18
Job 31-33; Psalm 102; Revelation 19
Job 34-36; Revelation 20
Job 37-39; Psalm 103; Revelation 21
Job 40-42; Psalm 150; Revelation 22